My background
After elementary school, I moved to Jönköping and studied Consumption, Diet and Nutrition at Bäckadal's high school. The interest in sports and health led to the University's studies in Gothenburg, and the health education teacher training began. After language studies in Spain, the skin care education began in Stockholm. During my time as a self-employed person in Åre, I studied basic psychology and my interest in psychology grew. Leadership, Sales & marketing, plants, yoga and talk therapy are the educations that I have put my time into for the last 20 years. In addition to being interested in having good and rich relationships, I want to be a part of contributing to making people around me feel good and have a meaningful existence.
Life is short so it's about capturing the beautiful moments that life offers.
Kind and warm thoughts from me
//Jennie Astridsson
Find meaning in life and find joy, happiness and balance.
I grew up in the countryside in the deep Småland forests in a community where everyone knew everyone. My family, the Andersson family, at Törnvägen 15 in Korsberga has been my security and has been the place that has shaped me into who I am today. It is in the environment, people and nature that I have been surrounded by that have given me strength and courage to curiously explore what life has to offer me. I have had the privilege of capturing many experiences during my 50-year life and more are on the way life offers new opportunities all the time. Life is here and now and it's so important to remind yourself of that every day. I do it every morning during my yoga session and that's when I'm filled with gratitude that I'm breathing and existing, right now.
"Life is good"
My story
Sedan jag var liten har jag vetat att jag vill jobba med något som kan göra en skillnad i människors liv. Den passionen ledde mig till att studera friskvård och psykologi med den förmånen att jag nu får jobba med människor och ta del av deras tankar, relationer och liv Som en auktoriserad terapeut inom psykoterapi är jag väldigt engagerad och gör det lilla extra för att se till att mina klienter får den hjälp de behöver.
Jag bryr mig verkligen om alla mina klienter och jag vill deras absolut bästa. En sak som jag har lärt mig under åren är att alla behöver vi stöd. Sedd, hörd och bekräftad är mina ledord i livet. Jag tror på livets goda och och det sanna ordet.
Vänlighet, godhet och tacksamhet får vara mina tre ord för dagen.